Wednesday 22 November 2017

C++ Program to Find the Number of occurrences of a given Number using Binary Search approach


#include    iostream

using namespace std;

// A structure representing a node of a tree.
struct node
int data;
int count;
node *left;
node *right;

// A function creating a new node of the tree and assigning the data.
node* CreateNode(int data)
node *newnode = new node;
newnode->data = data;
newnode->count = 1;
newnode->left = NULL;
newnode->right = NULL;

return newnode;

// A function creating binary search tree.
node* InsertIntoTree(node* root, int data)
// Create node using data from argument list.
node *temp = CreateNode(data);
node *t = new node;
t = root;

// If root is null, assign it to the node created.
if(root == NULL)
root = temp;
// Find the position for the new node to be inserted.
while(t != NULL)
// If the new data is already there then just increase the counter.
if(t->data == data)
else if(t->data < data )
if(t->right == NULL)
// If current node is NULL then insert the node.
t->right = temp;
// Shift pointer to the left.
t = t->right;
else if(t->data > data)
if(t->left == NULL)
// If current node is NULL then insert the node.
t->left = temp;
// Shift pointer to the left.
t = t->left;
return root;

// A function to search item in a BST.
void Search(node *root, int data)
node *temp = new node;
temp = root;
// Run the loop until temp points to a NULL pointer or data element is found.
while(temp != NULL)
if(temp->data == data)
cout<<"\nData item "<count<<" number of times.";
// Shift pointer to left child.
else if(temp->data > data)
temp = temp->left;
// Shift pointer to right child.
temp = temp->right;

cout<<"\n Data not found";

int main()
char ch;
int n, i, a[25] = {89, 53, 95, 1, 9, 67, 72, 66, 75, 89, 72, 89, 89, 53, 77, 18, 24, 35, 90, 38, 41, 49, 81, 27, 97};
node *root = new node;
root = NULL;

// Construct the BST.
for(i = 0; i < 25; i++)
root = InsertIntoTree(root, a[i]);

cout<<"\nEnter the Element to be searched: ";

Search(root, n);

// Ask user to enter choice for further searching.
cout<<"\n\n\tDo you want to search more...enter choice(y/n)?";
if(ch == 'y' || ch == 'Y')
goto up;

return 0;


Case 1:
Enter the Element to be searched: 89

Data item 89 is present 4 number of times.

        Do you want to search more...enter choice(y/n)?y

Enter the Element to be searched: 27

Data item 27 is present 1 number of times.

        Do you want to search more...enter choice(y/n)?y

Enter the Element to be searched: 72

Data item 72 is present 2 number of times.

        Do you want to search more...enter choice(y/n)?y

Enter the Element to be searched: 28

 Data not found

        Do you want to search more...enter choice(y/n)?n

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