Wednesday 22 November 2017

C++ Program to Find the Median of two Sorted Arrays using Binary Search Approach


#include    iostream

using namespace std;

// Function to find the median of two sorted array of equal length.
void median(float arr1[], int s1, int e1, float arr2[], int s2, int e2)
float med1, med2;
// If the length of the sub arrays is even.
if((e1-s1+1)%2 == 0)
// If only two element left in the array then the median can be found.
if(e1-s1 == 1)
// median of the array will be the average of the maximum of the smaller elements and minimum of the greater element.
med1 = ((arr1[s1]arr2[e2]?arr1[e1]:arr2[e2]))/2;

// If more element are there then the individual median will be the average of mid data element of each array.
med1 = (arr1[(e1+s1)/2]+arr1[(e1+s1)/2+1])/2;
med2 = (arr2[(e2+s2)/2]+arr2[(e2+s2)/2+1])/2;

// If the calculated individual medians are equal then the combined median will also be same.
if(med1 == med2 )
// If median of the first array is greater than the second one then-
// The combined median will be either in the first half of the first array or in the second half of the other array.
if(med1 > med2)
median(arr1, s1, (e1+s1)/2+1, arr2, (e2+s2)/2, e2);
// Otherwise the combined median will be either in second half of first array or in the first half of the other array.
median(arr1, (e1+s1)/2, e1, arr2, s2, (e2+s2)/2+1);
// If the length of the sub array is odd.
if(e1-s1 == 0)
med1 = (arr1[s1]+arr2[s2])/2;

// If more element are there then the individual median will be the mid data element of each array.
med1 = arr1[(e1+s1)/2];
med2 = arr2[(e2+s2)/2];

// If the calculated individual medians are equal then the combined median will also be same.
if(med1 == med2 )
// If median of the first array is greater than the second one then-
// The combined median will be either in the first half of the first array or in the second half of the other array.
if(med1 > med2)
median(arr1, s1, (e1+s1)/2, arr2, (e2+s2)/2, e2);
// Otherwise the combined median will be either in second half of first array or in the first half of the other array.
median(arr1, (e1+s1)/2, e1, arr2, s2, (e2+s2)/2);

int main()
int n, i;
cout<<"Enter the length of the arrays: ";
float arr1[n], arr2[n];

// Take the input of second sequence.
cout<<"\nEnter the first sorted sequence :\n";
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout<<"Enter "<

// Take the input of second sequence.
cout<<"\nEnter the second sorted sequence :\n";
for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
cout<<"Enter "<

// Print the combined array.
cout<<"\n\nthe median of the arrays is: ";
median(arr1, 0, n-1, arr2, 0, n-1);

return 0;


Case 1:
Enter the length of the arrays: 4

Enter the first sorted sequence :
Enter 1 value: 2
Enter 2 value: 4
Enter 3 value: 6
Enter 4 value: 8

Enter the second sorted sequence :
Enter 1 value: 1
Enter 2 value: 3
Enter 3 value: 5
Enter 4 value: 7

the median of the arrays is: 4.5

Case 2:
Enter the length of the arrays: 5

Enter the first sorted sequence :
Enter 1 value: 1
Enter 2 value: 3
Enter 3 value: 5
Enter 4 value: 7
Enter 5 value: 9

Enter the second sorted sequence :
Enter 1 value: 0
Enter 2 value: 2
Enter 3 value: 4
Enter 4 value: 6
Enter 5 value: 8

the median of the arrays is: 4.5

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