The defined type of memory area where
the value is stored is called variable.
Variables are the data item whose
values may vary during the execution of the program.
A specific location or the address in
the memory is allocated for each variable and the value of
thatvariable is stored in that location.
These locations may be integer,
real or character etc.
Rules for constructing variables
There are some specific rules for
constructing variable names in C language:
(a) Variable name may be a
combination of alphabet digits or underscores and
its lengths should not exceed 8 characters, some compilers
allow 40 characters also.
(b) The first character must be
an alphabet.
(c) No comma, blank spaces are
allowed in variable name.
(d) No special symbols except underscore can
be used as variable names.
the variables must be declared before their use. It does two
Tell the compiler what the variable name is.
Specify what type of data that a variable will hold.
of variable declaration:
of variable declaration:
values to variables To assign values to the variables, assignment
operator (=) is used. Syntax of assigning
values: variable declaration;Variable_name = value; Example of
assigning values: Int i , j;j = 5 ;i = 0 ; It is also possible to
assign a value at the time of i = 5; More than one
variable can be initialized in one statement using multiple assignment
operators. e.g. j = m = 2; There could be an exception while using
multiple assignment operators. e.g. int i , j = 2 , k; here the
assignment will be i = 0 j=2 and k = garbage value.
Scope of variables: Local &
Scope of variable means where the variable stands
in the program. All variables may not necessary be
available to all statements in a program.
Variables can have two types of
a) Local:
When a variable is declared inside the function
then such a variable is known as local variable.
A local variable can only be accessed by the
function in which it is declared. It cannot be accessed by other function.
b) Global:
A variable which is declared outside all functions
is known as global variable.
A variable with a global scope is accessible to all
the statements in the program. A global variablecan
be accessed by all the functions.
There are some values which do not change during the execution of
the program. These values are called constants.
Constants are of fixed value that
remain unchanged during the execution of a program, and are used in
assignment of statements. Constants are stored in
Syntax of constant declaration:
Const datatype var_name = value;
Example of Constant declaration:
Const int a = 5;
In C language there are five types of constants which
has been described separately
Character constants
A character constant consists of a single digit or
a single special symbol enclosed within a pair of single inverted commas.
The maximum length of a character constant can be 1 character.
e.g. --> 'a', 'i' , '5', '='.
There are some character sequence constants which
are used in C to represented special action, these are called C
Escape Sequence.
List of these escape sequence and
its tasks are given below:
\a : audible bell
\f : form feed
\r : carriage return
\v : vertical tab
\' : single quote
\? : question mark
\HHH: 1 to 3 digit hex value.
\b : backspace
\n : newline
\t : horizontal tab
\\ : backslash
\" : double quote.
\000 : 1 to 3 digit
octal value
Integer constants
An integer constant refers to a sequence of digits.
It could be either positive or negative. and must have at least one digit.
It mustn't have a decimal point. No commas or blank are allowed
within an integer constant. The allowable range
for integer constants is -32767 to 32767.
There are three types of integer
1. decimal :
In decimal notation ,simply we write decimal number. e.g. 24,678
2. octal :
In octal notation, write(0)immediately before the octal
3. hexadecimal :
In hexadecimal notation ,the constant is preceded by
Some example of integer constants:
: 426
: +762
: -8000
: -7605
Real constants
Real constants are often
called Floating Point constants.
It has three parts:
1. A sign (+ or -) preceding the number portion (optional).
2. A number portion (representing the base).
3. An exponent portion following the number portion (optional). This
starts with E or E followed by an integer. The integer may be preceded by a
A real constant must have at least one digit. It must have a decimal
point. It could be either positive (default) or negative. No commas and
blank are allowed within a real constant.
Some example of real constants:
: +.72
: +72
: +7.6E+2
: 24.4e-5
Logical & String constants
A logical constant can have either of two values
either true or false. In C a non-zero value is always treated as true
whereas zero is treated as false.
The logical constants are very useful in evaluating
logical expressions and complex condition.
A group of character enclosed within a pair of double inverted
commas (" ") is treated as a string
some example of string constant:
: "Hello"
"Welcome to Execute Codes"
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