Friday 17 November 2017

Java Program to Implement Shunting Yard Algorithm


 ** Java Program to Implement Shunting Yard Algorithm

import java.util.Scanner;

/** Class ShuntingYard **/
public class ShuntingYard
    /** enum **/
    private enum Precedence
        lparen(0), rparen(1), plus(2), minus(3), divide(4), times(5), mod(6), eos(7), operand(8);

        private int index;
        Precedence(int index)
            this.index = index;
        public int getIndex()
            return index;
    /** in stack precedence **/
    private static final int[] isp = {0, 19, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 0};
    /** incoming character precedence **/
    private static final int[] icp = {20, 19, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 0};
    /** operators **/
    private static final char[] operators = {'{', '}', '+', '-', '/', '*', '%', ' '};
    /** precedence stack **/
    private Precedence[] stack; 
    /** stack top pointer **/
    private int top;

    /** pop element from stack **/
    private Precedence pop()
        return stack[top--];
    /** push element onto stack **/
    private void push(Precedence ele)
        stack[++top] = ele;
    /** get precedence token for symbol **/
    public Precedence getToken(char symbol)
        switch (symbol)
        case '('  : return Precedence.lparen;
        case ')'  : return Precedence.rparen;
        case '+'  : return;
        case '-'  : return Precedence.minus;
        case '/'  : return Precedence.divide;
        case '*'  : return Precedence.times;
        case '%'  : return Precedence.mod;
        case ' '  : return Precedence.eos;
        default   : return Precedence.operand;

    /** Function to convert infix to postfix **/
    public String postfix(String infix)
        String postfix = "";
        top = 0;
        stack = new Precedence[infix.length()];
        stack[0] = Precedence.eos;
        Precedence token;
        for (int i = 0; i < infix.length(); i++)
            token = getToken(infix.charAt(i));
            /** if token is operand append to postfix **/
            if (token == Precedence.operand)
                postfix = postfix + infix.charAt(i);
            /** if token is right parenthesis pop till matching left parenthesis **/
            else if (token == Precedence.rparen)
                while (stack[top] != Precedence.lparen)
                    postfix = postfix + operators[pop().getIndex()];
                /** discard left parenthesis **/
            /** else pop stack elements whose precedence is greater than that of token **/
                while (isp[stack[top].getIndex()] >= icp[token.getIndex()])
                    postfix = postfix + operators[pop().getIndex()];
        /** pop any remaining elements in stack **/
        while ((token = pop()) != Precedence.eos)
            postfix = postfix + operators[token.getIndex()];

        return postfix;
    /** Main function **/
    public static void main (String[] args) 
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(;
        System.out.println("Shunting Yard Algorithm Test\n");
        /** Make an object of ShuntingYard class **/
        ShuntingYard sy = new ShuntingYard();

        /** Accept infix expression **/
        System.out.println("Enter infix expression");
        String infix =;

        String postfix = sy.postfix(infix);
        System.out.println("\nPostfix expression : "+ postfix);


Shunting Yard Algorithm Test

Enter infix expression

Postfix expression : 123*4/+56%7*8/-9+1-

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