Tuesday 28 November 2017

Java Program to Implement Red Black Tree


import java.util.Scanner;

 /* Class Node */
 class RedBlackNode
     RedBlackNode left, right;
     int element;
     int color;

     /* Constructor */
     public RedBlackNode(int theElement)
         this( theElement, null, null );
     /* Constructor */
     public RedBlackNode(int theElement, RedBlackNode lt, RedBlackNode rt)
         left = lt;
         right = rt;
         element = theElement;
         color = 1;

 /* Class RBTree */
 class RBTree
     private RedBlackNode current;
     private RedBlackNode parent;
     private RedBlackNode grand;
     private RedBlackNode great;
     private RedBlackNode header;    
     private static RedBlackNode nullNode;
     /* static initializer for nullNode */
         nullNode = new RedBlackNode(0);
         nullNode.left = nullNode;
         nullNode.right = nullNode;
     /* Black - 1  RED - 0 */
     static final int BLACK = 1;    
     static final int RED   = 0;

     /* Constructor */
     public RBTree(int negInf)
         header = new RedBlackNode(negInf);
         header.left = nullNode;
         header.right = nullNode;
     /* Function to check if tree is empty */
     public boolean isEmpty()
         return header.right == nullNode;
     /* Make the tree logically empty */
     public void makeEmpty()
         header.right = nullNode;
     /* Function to insert item */
     public void insert(int item )
         current = parent = grand = header;
         nullNode.element = item;
         while (current.element != item)
             great = grand; 
             grand = parent; 
             parent = current;
             current = item < current.element ? current.left : current.right;
             // Check if two red children and fix if so            
             if (current.left.color == RED && current.right.color == RED)
                 handleReorient( item );
         // Insertion fails if already present
         if (current != nullNode)
         current = new RedBlackNode(item, nullNode, nullNode);
         // Attach to parent
         if (item < parent.element)
             parent.left = current;
             parent.right = current;        
         handleReorient( item );
     private void handleReorient(int item)
         // Do the color flip
         current.color = RED;
         current.left.color = BLACK;
         current.right.color = BLACK;

         if (parent.color == RED)   
             // Have to rotate
             grand.color = RED;
             if (item < grand.element != item < parent.element)
                 parent = rotate( item, grand );  // Start dbl rotate
             current = rotate(item, great );
             current.color = BLACK;
         // Make root black
         header.right.color = BLACK; 
     private RedBlackNode rotate(int item, RedBlackNode parent)
         if(item < parent.element)
             return parent.left = item < parent.left.element ? rotateWithLeftChild(parent.left) : rotateWithRightChild(parent.left) ;  
             return parent.right = item < parent.right.element ? rotateWithLeftChild(parent.right) : rotateWithRightChild(parent.right);  
     /* Rotate binary tree node with left child */
     private RedBlackNode rotateWithLeftChild(RedBlackNode k2)
         RedBlackNode k1 = k2.left;
         k2.left = k1.right;
         k1.right = k2;
         return k1;
     /* Rotate binary tree node with right child */
     private RedBlackNode rotateWithRightChild(RedBlackNode k1)
         RedBlackNode k2 = k1.right;
         k1.right = k2.left;
         k2.left = k1;
         return k2;
     /* Functions to count number of nodes */
     public int countNodes()
         return countNodes(header.right);
     private int countNodes(RedBlackNode r)
         if (r == nullNode)
             return 0;
             int l = 1;
             l += countNodes(r.left);
             l += countNodes(r.right);
             return l;
     /* Functions to search for an element */
     public boolean search(int val)
         return search(header.right, val);
     private boolean search(RedBlackNode r, int val)
         boolean found = false;
         while ((r != nullNode) && !found)
             int rval = r.element;
             if (val < rval)
                 r = r.left;
             else if (val > rval)
                 r = r.right;
                 found = true;
             found = search(r, val);
         return found;
     /* Function for inorder traversal */ 
     public void inorder()
     private void inorder(RedBlackNode r)
         if (r != nullNode)
             char c = 'B';
             if (r.color == 0)
                 c = 'R';
             System.out.print(r.element +""+c+" ");
     /* Function for preorder traversal */
     public void preorder()
     private void preorder(RedBlackNode r)
         if (r != nullNode)
             char c = 'B';
             if (r.color == 0)
                 c = 'R';
             System.out.print(r.element +""+c+" ");
     /* Function for postorder traversal */
     public void postorder()
     private void postorder(RedBlackNode r)
         if (r != nullNode)
             char c = 'B';
             if (r.color == 0)
                 c = 'R';
             System.out.print(r.element +""+c+" ");

 /* Class RedBlackTreeTest */
 public class RedBlackTreeTest
     public static void main(String[] args)
        Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);
        /* Creating object of RedBlack Tree */
        RBTree rbt = new RBTree(Integer.MIN_VALUE); 
        System.out.println("Red Black Tree Test\n");          
        char ch;
        /*  Perform tree operations  */
            System.out.println("\nRed Black Tree Operations\n");
            System.out.println("1. insert ");
            System.out.println("2. search");
            System.out.println("3. count nodes");
            System.out.println("4. check empty");
            System.out.println("5. clear tree");

            int choice = scan.nextInt();            
            switch (choice)
            case 1 : 
                System.out.println("Enter integer element to insert");
                rbt.insert( scan.nextInt() );                     
            case 2 : 
                System.out.println("Enter integer element to search");
                System.out.println("Search result : "+ rbt.search( scan.nextInt() ));
            case 3 : 
                System.out.println("Nodes = "+ rbt.countNodes());
            case 4 : 
                System.out.println("Empty status = "+ rbt.isEmpty());
            case 5 : 
                System.out.println("\nTree Cleared");
            default : 
                System.out.println("Wrong Entry \n ");
            /*  Display tree  */
            System.out.print("\nPost order : ");
            System.out.print("\nPre order : ");
            System.out.print("\nIn order : ");

            System.out.println("\nDo you want to continue (Type y or n) \n");
            ch = scan.next().charAt(0);                        
        } while (ch == 'Y'|| ch == 'y');               


Red Black Tree Test

Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Empty status = true

Post order :
Pre order :
In order :
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 8B
Pre order : 8B
In order : 8B
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 3R 8B
Pre order : 8B 3R
In order : 3R 8B
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 3R 8R 5B
Pre order : 5B 3R 8R
In order : 3R 5B 8R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 2R 3B 8B 5B
Pre order : 5B 3B 2R 8B
In order : 2R 3B 5B 8B
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 8B
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8B
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 9R 8B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 8B 9R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8B 9R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to insert

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8R 10R 9B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 9B 8R 10R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8R 9B 10R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Nodes = 7

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8R 10R 9B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 9B 8R 10R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8R 9B 10R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to search
Search result : false

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8R 10R 9B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 9B 8R 10R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8R 9B 10R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to search
Search result : false

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8R 10R 9B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 9B 8R 10R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8R 9B 10R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Enter integer element to search
Search result : true

Post order : 1R 3R 2B 8R 10R 9B 5B
Pre order : 5B 2B 1R 3R 9B 8R 10R
In order : 1R 2B 3R 5B 8R 9B 10R
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree

Tree Cleared

Post order :
Pre order :
In order :
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


Red Black Tree Operations

1. insert
2. search
3. count nodes
4. check empty
5. clear tree
Empty status = true

Post order :
Pre order :
In order :
Do you want to continue (Type y or n)


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