Monday 27 November 2017

Find Index of 0 to be replaced with 1 to get longest continuous sequence of 1s in a binary array


// Java program to find Index of 0 to be replaced with 1 to get
// longest continuous sequence of 1s in a binary array


class Binary 
    // Returns index of 0 to be replaced with 1 to get longest
    // continuous sequence of 1s.  If there is no 0 in array, then
    // it returns -1.
    static int maxOnesIndex(int arr[], int n)
        int max_count = 0;  // for maximum number of 1 around a zero
        int max_index=0;  // for storing result
        int prev_zero = -1;  // index of previous zero
        int prev_prev_zero = -1; // index of previous to previous zero
        // Traverse the input array
        for (int curr=0; curr
            // If current element is 0, then calculate the difference
            // between curr and prev_prev_zero
            if (arr[curr] == 0)
                // Update result if count of 1s around prev_zero is more
                if (curr - prev_prev_zero > max_count)
                    max_count = curr - prev_prev_zero;
                    max_index = prev_zero;
                // Update for next iteration
                prev_prev_zero = prev_zero;
                prev_zero = curr;
        // Check for the last encountered zero
        if (n-prev_prev_zero > max_count)
            max_index = prev_zero;
        return max_index;
    // Driver program to test above function
    public static void main(String[] args)
        int arr[] = {1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1};
        int n = arr.length;
        System.out.println("Index of 0 to be replaced is "+ 
                           maxOnesIndex(arr, n));        


Index of 0 to be replaced is 9

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