Thursday 23 November 2017

C++ Program to Implement Splay Tree


#include   iostream
#include   cstdio
#include   cstdlib
using namespace std;

struct splay
    int key;
    splay* lchild;
    splay* rchild;

class SplayTree

        // RR(Y rotates to the right)
        splay* RR_Rotate(splay* k2)
            splay* k1 = k2->lchild;
            k2->lchild = k1->rchild;
            k1->rchild = k2;
            return k1;

        // LL(Y rotates to the left)
        splay* LL_Rotate(splay* k2)
            splay* k1 = k2->rchild;
            k2->rchild = k1->lchild;
            k1->lchild = k2;
            return k1;

        // An implementation of top-down splay tree
        splay* Splay(int key, splay* root)
            if (!root)
                return NULL;
            splay header;
            /* header.rchild points to L tree;
            header.lchild points to R Tree */
            header.lchild = header.rchild = NULL;
            splay* LeftTreeMax = &header;
            splay* RightTreeMin = &header;
            while (1)
                if (key < root->key)
                    if (!root->lchild)
                    if (key < root->lchild->key)
                        root = RR_Rotate(root);
                        // only zig-zig mode need to rotate once,
                        if (!root->lchild)
                    /* Link to R Tree */
                    RightTreeMin->lchild = root;
                    RightTreeMin = RightTreeMin->lchild;
                    root = root->lchild;
                    RightTreeMin->lchild = NULL;
                else if (key > root->key)
                    if (!root->rchild)
                    if (key > root->rchild->key)
                        root = LL_Rotate(root);
                        // only zag-zag mode need to rotate once,
                        if (!root->rchild)
                    /* Link to L Tree */
                    LeftTreeMax->rchild = root;
                    LeftTreeMax = LeftTreeMax->rchild;
                    root = root->rchild;
                    LeftTreeMax->rchild = NULL;
            /* assemble L Tree, Middle Tree and R tree */
            LeftTreeMax->rchild = root->lchild;
            RightTreeMin->lchild = root->rchild;
            root->lchild = header.rchild;
            root->rchild = header.lchild;
            return root;

        splay* New_Node(int key)
            splay* p_node = new splay;
            if (!p_node)
                fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory!\n");
            p_node->key = key;
            p_node->lchild = p_node->rchild = NULL;
            return p_node;

        splay* Insert(int key, splay* root)
            static splay* p_node = NULL;
            if (!p_node)
                p_node = New_Node(key);
                p_node->key = key;
            if (!root)
                root = p_node;
                p_node = NULL;
                return root;
            root = Splay(key, root);
            /* This is BST that, all keys <= root->key is in root->lchild, all keys >
            root->key is in root->rchild. */
            if (key < root->key)
                p_node->lchild = root->lchild;
                p_node->rchild = root;
                root->lchild = NULL;
                root = p_node;
            else if (key > root->key)
                p_node->rchild = root->rchild;
                p_node->lchild = root;
                root->rchild = NULL;
                root = p_node;
                return root;
            p_node = NULL;
            return root;

        splay* Delete(int key, splay* root)
            splay* temp;
            if (!root)
                return NULL;
            root = Splay(key, root);
            if (key != root->key)
                return root;
                if (!root->lchild)
                    temp = root;
                    root = root->rchild;
                    temp = root;
                    /*Note: Since key == root->key,
                    so after Splay(key, root->lchild),
                    the tree we get will have no right child tree.*/
                    root = Splay(key, root->lchild);
                    root->rchild = temp->rchild;
                return root;

        splay* Search(int key, splay* root)
            return Splay(key, root);

        void InOrder(splay* root)
            if (root)
                cout<< "key: " <key;
                    cout<< " | left child: "<< root->lchild->key;
                    cout << " | right child: " << root->rchild->key;
                cout<< "\n";

int main()
    SplayTree st;
    int vector[10] = {9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0};
    splay *root;
    root = NULL;
    const int length = 10;
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i < length; i++)
        root = st.Insert(vector[i], root);
    cout<<"\nInOrder: \n";
    int input, choice;
        cout<<"\nSplay Tree Operations\n";
        cout<<"1. Insert "<
        cout<<"2. Delete"<
        cout<<"3. Search"<
        cout<<"4. Exit"<
        cout<<"Enter your choice: ";
        case 1:
            cout<<"Enter value to be inserted: ";
            root = st.Insert(input, root);
            cout<<"\nAfter Insert: "<
        case 2:
            cout<<"Enter value to be deleted: ";
            root = st.Delete(input, root);
            cout<<"\nAfter Delete: "<
        case 3:
            cout<<"Enter value to be searched: ";
            root = st.Search(input, root);
            cout<<"\nAfter Search "<

        case 4:
            cout<<"\nInvalid type! \n";
    return 0;


Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 1

After Insert: 1
key: 1

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 9

After Insert: 9
key: 1
key: 9 | left child: 1

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 5

After Insert: 5
key: 1
key: 5 | left child: 1 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 3

After Insert: 3
key: 1
key: 3 | left child: 1 | right child: 5
key: 5 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 8

After Insert: 8
key: 1
key: 3 | left child: 1
key: 5 | left child: 3
key: 8 | left child: 5 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 7

After Insert: 7
key: 1
key: 3 | left child: 1
key: 5 | left child: 3
key: 7 | left child: 5 | right child: 8
key: 8 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 2

After Insert: 2
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1 | right child: 5
key: 3
key: 5 | left child: 3 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 8
key: 8 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 4

After Insert: 4
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3 | right child: 5
key: 5 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 8
key: 8 | right child: 9
key: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 10

After Insert: 10
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3
key: 5 | left child: 4 | right child: 8
key: 7
key: 8 | left child: 7
key: 9 | left child: 5
key: 10 | left child: 9

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 1
Enter value to be inserted: 6

After Insert: 6
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3
key: 5 | left child: 4
key: 6 | left child: 5 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 9
key: 8
key: 9 | left child: 8 | right child: 10
key: 10

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Enter value to be deleted: 5

After Delete: 5
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3 | right child: 6
key: 6 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 9
key: 8
key: 9 | left child: 8 | right child: 10
key: 10

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 2
Enter value to be deleted: 10

After Delete: 10
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3
key: 6 | left child: 4 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 8
key: 8
key: 9 | left child: 6

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 3
Enter value to be searched: 9

After Search 9
key: 1
key: 2 | left child: 1
key: 3 | left child: 2
key: 4 | left child: 3
key: 6 | left child: 4 | right child: 7
key: 7 | right child: 8
key: 8
key: 9 | left child: 6

Splay Tree Operations
1. Insert
2. Delete
3. Search
4. Exit
Enter your choice: 4

(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue

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