Friday 24 November 2017

C++ Program to Implement Direct Addressing Tables


#include    iostream
#include    cstdlib
#include    string
#include    cstdio
using namespace std;

 * Table Declaration
struct table
    string english;
    int key;
    table( int k, string e )
        key = k;

 * Insertion of element at a key
void INSERT( table T[], table x )
    T[ x.key ] = x;

 * Deletion of element at a key
void DELETE( table T[], table x )
    T[ x.key ] = table(0, "");

 * Searching of element at a key
table SEARCH( table T[], int k )
    return T[ k ];

 * Main Contains Menu
int main()
    int i, key, ch;
    string str;
    table T[65536];
    table x;
    for(i = 0; i < 65536;i++)
        T[i] = table(0,"");
    while (1)
        cout<<"\nOperations on Direct Addressing Table"<
        cout<<"1.Insert element into the key"<
        cout<<"2.Delete element from the table"<
        cout<<"3.Search element into the table"<
        cout<<"Enter your Choice: ";
        case 1:
            string str1 = "";
            cout<<"Enter the key value: ";
            cout<<"Enter the string to be inserted: ";
            getline(cin, str);
            INSERT(T, table(key, str));
        case 2:
            cout<<"Enter the key of element to be deleted: ";
            x = SEARCH(T, key);
            DELETE(T, x);
        case 3:
    cout<<"Enter the key of element to be searched: ";
            x = SEARCH(T, key);
            if (x.key == 0)
                cout<<"No element inserted at the key"<
            cout<<"Element at key "< ";
        case 4:
            cout<<"Wrong Choice"<
    return 0;



Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 1
Enter the key value: 1
Enter the string to be inserted: one


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 1
Enter the key value: 2
Enter the string to be inserted: two


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 1
Enter the key value: 3
Enter the string to be inserted: three


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 1
Enter the key value: 7
Enter the string to be inserted: seven


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 1
Enter the key value: 8 eight
Enter the string to be inserted: 

Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 3
Enter the key of element to be searched: 7
Element at key 7 is-> "seven"


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 3
Enter the key of element to be searched: 2
Element at key 2 is-> "two"


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 2
Enter the key of element to be deleted: 8


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 3
Enter the key of element to be searched: 8
No element inserted at the key


Operations on Direct Addressing Table

1.Insert element into the key
2.Delete element from the table
3.Search element into the table
Enter your Choice: 4

(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue

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