Friday 10 November 2017

C Program to Find the Summation of Node values at Row or Level



struct btnode
    int value;
    struct btnode *r,*l;
}*root = NULL, *temp = NULL;

void create();
void insert();
void add(struct btnode *t);
void computesum(struct btnode *t);
void display();

int count = 0, sum[100] = {0}, max = 0;

void main()
    int ch;

    printf("\n OPERATIONS ---");
    printf("\n 1] Insert an element into tree");
    printf("\n 2] Display the sum of the elements at the same level");
    printf("\n 3] Exit ");    
    while (1)
        printf("\nEnter your choice : ");
        scanf("%d", &ch);
        switch (ch)
        case 1:    
        case 2: 
            count = 0;
            max = 0;
        case 3: 
        default :     
            printf("Wrong choice, Please enter correct choice  ");

/* To create a new node with the data from the user */
void create()
    int data;

    printf("Enter the data of node : ");
    scanf("%d", &data);
    temp = (struct btnode* ) malloc(1*(sizeof(struct btnode)));
    temp->value = data;
    temp->l = temp->r = NULL;

/* To check for root node and then create it */
void insert()

    if (root == NULL)
        root = temp;

/* Search for the appropriate position to insert the new node */
void add(struct btnode *t)
    if ((temp->value > t->value) && (t->r != NULL))        /* value more than root node value insert at right */
    else if ((temp->value > t->value) && (t->r == NULL))        
        t->r = temp;
    else if ((temp->value < t->value) && (t->l != NULL))        /* value less than root node value insert at left */
    else if ((temp->value < t->value) && (t->l==NULL))
        t->l = temp;

/* Function to find the sum of nodes at same distance */
void computesum(struct btnode *t)
    if (root == NULL)
        printf("Tree is empty ");
    if (t->l != NULL)
    sum[count] = sum[count] + t->value;  /* addition of elelment by row wise */
    if (max < count)
        max = count;
    if (t->r != NULL)

/* To display the sum of the nodes at the same distance */
void display()
    int i;

    printf("Sum of nodes : \n Level \t Sum ");
    for (i = 0; i <= max; i++)
       printf("\n %d \t: %d ", i, sum[i]);


 1] Insert an element into tree
 2] Display the sum of the elements at the same level
 3] Exit 
 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 40

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 20

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 60

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 10

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 30

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 80

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 90

 Enter your choice : 2
 Sum of nodes : 
  Level      Sum 
   0     : 40 
   1     : 80 
   2     : 120 
   3     : 90 
 Enter your choice : 3

               /  \
             20    60
             / \    \
           10  30   80

 $ ./a.out

 1] Insert an element into tree
 2] Display the sum of the elements at the same level
 3] Exit 
 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 50

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 30

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 20

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 40

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 35

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 100

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 70

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 120

 Enter your choice : 1
 Enter the data of node : 140

 Enter your choice : 2
 Sum of nodes : 
 Level      Sum 
   0      : 50 
   1      : 130 
   2      : 250 
   3      : 175 
Enter your choice : 3

               /  \
             30    100
             / \   / \
           20  40 70 120
               /       \
              35       140

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