Saturday 11 November 2017

C Program to Count the Occurrences of each C Keyword using Array Structure


#include stdio.h>
#include string.h>
#include ctype.h>
#define KEYMAX 32

struct keyword
    char word[10];
    int occur;

int binarysearch(char [], struct keyword[]);

int main()
    int i = 0, j = 0, pos;
    char string[100], unit[20], c;
    struct keyword key[32] = {"auto", 0, "break", 0, "case", 0,
                          "char", 0, "const", 0, "continue", 0,
                          "default", 0, "do", 0, "double", 0,
                          "else", 0, "enum", 0, "extern", 0,
                          "float", 0, "for", 0, "goto", 0,
                          "if", 0, "int", 0, "long", 0,
                          "register", 0, "return", 0, "short", 0,
                          "signed", 0, "sizeof", 0, "static", 0,
                          "struct", 0, "switch", 0, "typedef", 0,
                          "union", 0, "unsigned", 0, "void", 0,
                          "volatile", 0, "while", 0,};

    printf("Enter string: ");
        c = getchar();
        string[i++] = c;

    } while (c != '\n');
    string[i - 1] = '\0';
    printf("The string entered is: %s\n", string);
    for (i = 0; i < strlen(string); i++)
        while (i < strlen(string) && string[i] != ' ' && isalpha(string[i]))
            unit[j++] = tolower(string[i++]);
        if (j != 0)
            unit[j] = '\0';
            pos = binarysearch(unit, key);
            j = 0;
            if (pos != -1)
    printf("***********************\n   Keyword\tCount\n***********************\n");
    for (i = 0; i < KEYMAX; i++)
        if (key[i].occur)
            printf("    %s\t  %d\n", key[i].word, key[i].occur);

    return 0;

int binarysearch(char *word, struct keyword key[])
    int low, high, mid;

    low = 0;
    high = KEYMAX - 1;
    while (low <= high)
        mid = (low + high) / 2;
        if (strcmp(word, key[mid].word) < 0)
            high = mid - 1;
        else if (strcmp(word, key[mid].word) > 0)
            low = mid + 1;
            return mid;

    return -1;


Enter string: break, float and double are c keywords. float and double are primitive data types.  
The string entered is: break, float and double are c keywords. float and double are primitive data types.
   Keyword Count
    break   1
    double   2
    float   2

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