Friday 24 November 2017

C++ Program to Implement Pairing Heap


#include   iostream
#include   cstdlib
#include   vector
using namespace std;
 * Node Class Declaration
class PairNode
        int element;
        PairNode *leftChild;
        PairNode *nextSibling;
        PairNode *prev;
        PairNode(int element)
            this->element = element;
            leftChild = NULL;
            nextSibling = NULL;
            prev = NULL;

 * Class Declaration
class PairingHeap
        PairNode *root;
        void reclaimMemory(PairNode *t);
        void compareAndLink(PairNode * &first, PairNode *second);
        PairNode *combineSiblings(PairNode *firstSibling);
        PairNode *clone(PairNode *t);
        PairingHeap(PairingHeap &rhs);
        bool isEmpty();
        bool isFull();
        int &findMin();
        PairNode *Insert(int &x);
        void deleteMin();
        void deleteMin(int &minItem);
        void makeEmpty();
        void decreaseKey(PairNode *p, int &newVal );
        PairingHeap &operator=(PairingHeap &rhs);

    root = NULL;

PairingHeap::PairingHeap(PairingHeap & rhs)
    root = NULL;
    *this = rhs;

 * Destroy the leftist heap.

 * Insert item x into the priority queue, maintaining heap order.
 * Return a pointer to the node containing the new item.
PairNode *PairingHeap::Insert(int &x)
    PairNode *newNode = new PairNode(x);
    if (root == NULL)
        root = newNode;
        compareAndLink(root, newNode);
    return newNode;

 * Find the smallest item in the priority queue.
 * Return the smallest item, or throw Underflow if empty.
int &PairingHeap::findMin()
    return root->element;

 * Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
 * Throws Underflow if empty.
void PairingHeap::deleteMin()
    PairNode *oldRoot = root;
    if (root->leftChild == NULL)
        root = NULL;
        root = combineSiblings(root->leftChild);
    delete oldRoot;

 * Remove the smallest item from the priority queue.
 * Pass back the smallest item, or throw Underflow if empty.
void PairingHeap::deleteMin(int &minItem)
    if (isEmpty())
        cout<<"The Heap is Empty"<
    minItem = findMin();
    cout<<"Minimum Element: "<

 * Test if the priority queue is logically empty.
 * Returns true if empty, false otherwise.
bool PairingHeap::isEmpty()
    return root == NULL;

 * Test if the priority queue is logically full.
 * Returns false in this implementation.
bool PairingHeap::isFull()
    return false;

 * Make the priority queue logically empty.
void PairingHeap::makeEmpty()
    root = NULL;

 * Deep copy.
PairingHeap &PairingHeap::operator=(PairingHeap & rhs)
    if (this != &rhs)
        makeEmpty( );
        root = clone(rhs.root);
    return *this;

 * Internal method to make the tree empty.
void PairingHeap::reclaimMemory(PairNode * t)
    if (t != NULL)
        delete t;

 * Change the value of the item stored in the pairing heap.
 * Does nothing if newVal is larger than currently stored value.
 * p points to a node returned by insert.
 * newVal is the new value, which must be smaller
 *    than the currently stored value.
void PairingHeap::decreaseKey(PairNode *p, int &newVal)
    if (p->element < newVal)
    p->element = newVal;
    if (p != root)
        if (p->nextSibling != NULL)
            p->nextSibling->prev = p->prev;
        if (p->prev->leftChild == p)
            p->prev->leftChild = p->nextSibling;
            p->prev->nextSibling = p->nextSibling;
            p->nextSibling = NULL;
            compareAndLink(root, p);

 * Internal method that is the basic operation to maintain order.
 * Links first and second together to satisfy heap order.
 * first is root of tree 1, which may not be NULL.
 *    first->nextSibling MUST be NULL on entry.
 * second is root of tree 2, which may be NULL.
 * first becomes the result of the tree merge.
void PairingHeap::compareAndLink(PairNode * &first, PairNode *second)
    if (second == NULL)
    if (second->element < first->element)
        second->prev = first->prev;
        first->prev = second;
        first->nextSibling = second->leftChild;
        if (first->nextSibling != NULL)
            first->nextSibling->prev = first;
        second->leftChild = first;
        first = second;
        second->prev = first;
        first->nextSibling = second->nextSibling;
        if (first->nextSibling != NULL)
            first->nextSibling->prev = first;
        second->nextSibling = first->leftChild;
        if (second->nextSibling != NULL)
            second->nextSibling->prev = second;
        first->leftChild = second;

 * Internal method that implements two-pass merging.
 * firstSibling the root of the conglomerate;
 *     assumed not NULL.
PairNode *PairingHeap::combineSiblings(PairNode *firstSibling)
    if (firstSibling->nextSibling == NULL)
        return firstSibling;
    static vector treeArray(5);
    int numSiblings = 0;
    for (; firstSibling != NULL; numSiblings++)
        if (numSiblings == treeArray.size())
            treeArray.resize(numSiblings * 2);
        treeArray[numSiblings] = firstSibling;
        firstSibling->prev->nextSibling = NULL;
        firstSibling = firstSibling->nextSibling;
    if (numSiblings == treeArray.size())
        treeArray.resize(numSiblings + 1);
    treeArray[numSiblings] = NULL;
    int i = 0;
    for (; i + 1 < numSiblings; i += 2)
        compareAndLink(treeArray[i], treeArray[i + 1]);
    int j = i - 2;
    if (j == numSiblings - 3)
        compareAndLink (treeArray[j], treeArray[j + 2]);
    for (; j >= 2; j -= 2)
        compareAndLink(treeArray[j - 2], treeArray[j] );
    return treeArray[0];

 * Internal method to clone subtree.
PairNode *PairingHeap::clone(PairNode * t)
    if (t == NULL)
        return NULL;
        PairNode *p = new PairNode(t->element);
        if ((p->leftChild = clone( t->leftChild)) != NULL)
            p->leftChild->prev = p;
        if ((p->nextSibling = clone( t->nextSibling)) != NULL)
            p->nextSibling->prev = p;
        return p;

 * Main Contains Menu
int main()
    int choice, num, pos;
    char ch;
    PairingHeap h;
    PairNode * pn;
    while (1)
        cout<<"Operations on Pairing Heap"<
        cout<<"1.Insert Element and Decrease key"<
        cout<<"2.Delete Minimum Element "<
        cout<<"Enter your choice : ";
        case 1:
            cout<<"Enter the number to be inserted : ";
            pn = h.Insert(num);
            cout<<"Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) ";
            if (ch == 'Y')
                cout<<"Enter new key value: ";
                h.decreaseKey(pn, pos);
        case 2:
        case 3:
            cout<<"Wrong choice"<
    return 0;


Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number to be inserted : 100
Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) Y
Enter new key value: 50
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number to be inserted : 200
Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) N
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number to be inserted : 300
Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) N
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number to be inserted : 400
Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) N
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
Minimum Element: 50 deleted
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 1
Enter the number to be inserted : 75
Want to decrease the key:(Y = Yes | N = No) N
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
Minimum Element: 75 deleted
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
Minimum Element: 200 deleted
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
Minimum Element: 300 deleted
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
Minimum Element: 400 deleted
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 2
The Heap is Empty
Operations on Pairing Heap
1.Insert Element and Decrease key
2.Delete Minimum Element 
Enter your choice : 3

(program exited with code: 1)
Press return to continue

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